If you share our wonderful newsletter with your friends, ask them if they are looking for a local rescue to donate to. We PROMISE that their tax deductible contribution will be spent 100% on the cats we rescue.
Some arrive, are seen by a veterinarian, and quickly find a home. Others, the ones we are known to care for so well, have suffered and struggled and need much more.
Like Misu who was, and is, a 'Labor of Love'.
Some say that these cats are resilient. No matter how much they suffer, or how much hardship they endure, they never give up their strong will to live. They pull through these horrific situations — they fight for life and we fight for it with them. It's a good fight. Together we get there. But only with your help…
This is our mission.
We thank you on their behalf.
"It's a small thing to help one animal, but to that one animal it's a big thing"
Gene Baur
For these and other ways to help, please visit the How to Help page on our web site at kittyangels.org/howtohelp.html
If you wish to send a donation by check, our address is Kitty Angels, PO Box 638, Tyngsboto, MA 01879.
Rescue Stories |
Leopard's Story The elderly woman had gone to the pet supply store several times hoping that a KA volunteer would be there caring for the cats for adoption. Appearing a third time, a store manager approached her. She told him that she had lost the number of the volunteer that had come to her house years ago to help her with a stray cat and now she desperately needed her help again. Finally connected with the volunteer, the cat's sad story began to unfold.
We worked hard trying to trap him as he was unapproachable, and each day he looked worse. Finally, he limped into a trap and he was whisked off to our vet.
We are so grateful to this woman who persevered in trying to get him the help he needed. It was quite a distance for her to go to that store each time. And she cared so deeply for him, even though he was not her cat. The best part of the story is that this former stray has been adopted into the most wonderful home.
"Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man"
Dalai Lama
Touchdown This year's Super Bowl was to be the most watched game ever. While people were riveted to their TVs watching the game, another battle was taking place off the field. The battle to survive.
He was shy at first, reluctant to trust, but he blossomed and developed quite the personality. He has been adopted into a wonderful home where he can look out the windows, bask in the sunshine and enjoy the life he deserves.
"...they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words "
Anna Sewell
Requests for assistance grow every year. The cats we deal with at the low-cost clinic would not otherwise be neutered or spayed. Your donation, in any amount, will help us continue to run this much needed clinic.
Gail Mosher, a longtime Kitty Angels supporter and volunteer, and an expert in antiques and collectibles, has created an eBay store devoted entirely to selling items that have been generously donated by our supporters. You can see it at:
If you have small antiques, collectibles, or other items to donate please contact Gail at gailmosher@gmail.com or leave a message with us. 100% of the proceeds of every sale goes directly to Kitty Angels.
Each year brings greater numbers of cats into our shelter, requiring that we supply more veterinary ser-vices, food, litter and shelter space — and care for an increasing number of feral cats and colonies. We're so grateful for your donations — without them so many of the cats that we have been able to save would have simply been added to the grim statistics of animal suffering. Thank you so very much for your help — but please understand that our task never ends and that we need your continued support to continue our work!! There are so many ways to help — you can find more information on our. web site.
"No one has ever become poor from giving"
Anne Frank
Her immobile broken leg made it impossible for her to enter a regular trap, so we had to get creative. We set up a large dog trap and baited it with lots of temping food. The trap door was propped open with a piece of cardboard tied to a string. Because the area is pitch black at night, a night vision camera was set up and volunteers waited. The hours passed and the cat eventually showed up on camera, heading right into the trap. When she started eating we pulled the string and hoped she was still inside the trap. Thankfully, she was.
Her first night in safety, she climbed up onto her new foster mom's lap, happy to be rescued, purring away. She ate ravenously and slept soundly on a soft comfy bed.
We named her Trillium, after the beautiful wildflower, because she's so tiny and precious, Our vet told us that, given Trillium's poor condition, her surgeries would need to be staggered. Her spay and dental have been done. After a recovery period, we will address the next two surgeries - to have her eye removed and her leg amputated. We truly wonder how she survived. Trillium comes to us in the midst of many other critical rescues. Her continued care will be costly, but her will to survive is inspirational. We will forge ahead and find a way. We are reaching out to you, our compassionate friends, to ask for help. We can't do what we do, and what we hope to do, without your support. So we humbly ask you to consider donating, and sharing her story, to help with Trillium's care and the care for others like her.
Thank you for your support! Your donations saved TRILLIUM and can save so many others! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation in ANY amount to help us carry on with our mission to help the neediest at-risk cats. For many other ways to give, please see the How to Help page on our website, www.kittyangels.org
Kitty Angels is a no-kill shelter dedicated to rescuing stray and abandoned cats, furnishing them with treatment for injuries or other health problems, and placing them into life-long, loving, indoor homes with compatible owners. We take all necessary steps to ensure the well being of our cats, including emergency and routine medical care, screening for infectious diseases, spaying and neutering, microchipping and providing rabies, distemper and other necessary medical care. We take in, and place or foster, hundreds of cats each year and deal with many feral cat populations. Kitty Angels is an all-volunteer organization. We have no paid staff — every cent of every donation goes to caring for needy cats! Because the cost of caring for our cats greatly exceeds our adoption fees, we depend on the generosity of individuals and businesses to make up the difference. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today...and, please be sure to send us a Matching Gifts Form if your employer offers one...we, and especially the cats, would very much appreciate it!!
ENDURING SUPPORT In the 43 years since our founding, Kitty Angels has been fortunate to have many long-term supporters. In recent years, an increasing amount of our funding has come from bequests from the estates of these committed benefactors. The enduring impact of these bequests, both large and small, has helped Kitty Angels expand its life saving programs and find loving homes for the neediest of animals. By naming Kitty Angels as a beneficiary in your will or estate plan, you can support Kitty Angels' future efforts as well as gain financial and tax benefits for you and your family. Your estate planner can explain the different ways you can make a bequest to Kitty Angels or you can contact us. We thank all our supporters for their wonderful generosity!!
A very special thanks to all of you who have opened your hearts and homes to animals; to those who have donated in some way to help us or others who act in concert with our cause; and to our team of dedicated volunteers and foster home caregivers. You are the ones whose compassion, kindness and generosity makes the difference. We couldn't do what we do without your continued support.
Thanks to PETsMART for providing us with first class space in their store in the Royal Ridge Mall in Nashua, NH. You can see some of our adoptable cats in the cages at the front of the store.
Kitty Angels, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable corporation. All donations to Kitty Angels are both federal and state tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Every penny of every donation is used in caring for cats. Federal ID 04-3270369; Massachusetts ID 034406
Kitty Angels, Inc. P.O. Box 638 Tyngsboro, MA 01879 978-649-4681 - kittyangels.org © 2024 Kitty Angels